
Showing posts from August, 2022

Post 1 Self-control

Immediate gratification vs. delayed gratification plays a major role in in self-control. According to Howard Rachlin many individuals' personal problems stem from their inability to delay immediate gratification for more rewarding results that will come in the future. Howarch Rachlin used alcohol as his primary example. Someone who chooses to drink may feel immediate gratification but will wake up feeling worse. Other examples of this are someone who is delaying school work for pleasure but then crams school work into short periods of time resulting in poorly executed work. This sequence is referred to as the "primrose path" which is described as, "low-valued pattern of acts." Unfortunately, this is how poor habits and consistent harmful patterns are formed. If one keeps choosing alcohol to feel instant gratification, they can eventually become an alcoholic, if someone continues to choose fast food over healthy food they will fall into the repetitive pattern and...